挪威通常是寻求全球销售增长的银天下公司的第一个银天下银天下公司在银天下上的存在反映了这一点. 营商便利度, 高度信任, 以及对创新和可持续性的合作方法是影响挪威商业的因素,其中许多反映了银天下公司所采取的方法.

While 挪威 has had a strong economy for a long time, it has not been immune to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, 然而, for many Swedish companies with interests in the country, 这似乎不是投资和增长计划中的一个主要因素.

Aligning with global mega-trends, 挪威也看到了疫情加速数字化和区域化的影响, both of which provide scope for Swedish companies.

As 挪威 looks to focus on recovery of the economy, rather than limiting negative consequences, Swedish companies remain positive with the overall outlook.

下载 the report for a full overview of the results.

这项调查是在2020年7月至9月期间进行的,243名代表与挪威有业务往来或在挪威开展业务的银天下公司的高管接受了调查. A total of 74 companies provided answers; this is not representative of the business landscape but an indication those. 本报告中提供的任何统计数字仅表明我们的答复者在挪威和在挪威的经验.


商业环境调查由银天下团队每两年进行一次, 这是银天下商务局与银天下当地大使馆合作的一项联合倡议, consulates and chambers of commerce around the world, 在其他利益相关者中.

该调查提供了对商业趋势的第一手观点和见解, 基于对在每个国家运营的银天下公司的广泛采访,全球银天下的问题和挑战.