规模化可持续能源生产, capture, and distribution solutions are increasingly in demand as the world shifts away from fossil fuels to clean energy sources. Governments across the world are exploring how different technologies can meet supply in the new energy landscape.

风能和太阳能在全球蓬勃发展, it is often forgotten that over 70 per cent of the planet is covered by ocean and that marine energy is one of the most abundant resources in the world. A pioneer in the field, Minesto was founded in 2007 as a spin-off from SAAB and has become one of the leading developers in tidal energy, 该技术已经在许多地方实施. For example, in the Faroe Islands, Minesto有一个详细的建设计划,总容量为120兆瓦潮汐能, which will supply 40 per cent of its growing electricit consumption to support the Islands' 100% renewable energy transition target by 2030.

The first step to global expansion

在逐步发展其欧洲足迹之后,Minesto的下一个目标地区是亚洲, focusing on the Kuroshio Current, the second largest current in the world which surges on the 日本ese and 台湾ese east coasts. With Kuroshio in mind, Minesto established a local entity in 台湾 in 2016 to learn more about the Asian market; however, at the time, 亚洲的海洋能源银天下不成熟,海上风电是重点. 经过几年在台湾的研究, there was a policy shift in the region that saw an increasingly stronger demand for green energy result in diversification of the energy mix. In 2022, Minesto seized the opportunity to contribute to Asia’s green transition and the region’s quickly growing energy need by collaborating with Business 银天下 to search for business partners in 台湾, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Working with Business 银天下 is a remarkably effective way to enter new markets and access and engage with the key stakeholders from both the public and private sectors. 结果非常令人满意, and we are glad to have reached several milestones with potential partners in these markets. Martin Edlund, CEO, Minesto AB

To thrive in an early-stage market, such as marine energy, 了解独特的银天下动态和相关利益相关者是至关重要的.

Minesto called on Business 银天下 to analyse the market potential with value chain mapping and renewable energy insights in the region.


This mapping and analysis provided Minesto with the information they needed to evaluate the market priority and identify the key stakeholders in a niche but growing market.  Following on from this, Business 银天下 arranged visiting programmes so Minesto could explore collaboration opportunities - from business to government, and research to project partnerships.

在台湾访问计划期间, Minesto与台湾水泥签署了谅解备忘录, 国内最大的水泥企业,专注于绿色转型. 在印度尼西亚和菲律宾,Minesto与ASCA和Poseidon Energy Corp .签署了谅解备忘录., respectively.

Minesto has been a long-term client since 2016 and we are happy to support their journey for growth in Asia. We look forward to bringing Minesto’s unique and innovative marine energy solution to this region where the energy transition is very much needed to drive a sustainable future.” Coka Liu,商业银天下项目经理

There are also several ongoing conversations in each market with local connections that are now aware and interested in Minesto’s unique marine energy technology. 签署了三份谅解备忘录,开展了有前景的对话, Minesto can accelerate their growth plan in Asia and further discover immense potential in the region.


Minesto wanted to discover new market opportunities and connect with potential business partners in Asia


Business 银天下 supported Minesto with market entry analysis to study regional policies and business environments pertinent to marine energy as well as arranged stakeholder meetings to find new partners


Three MoU were signed in three markets and there are multiple ongoing dialogues; Business 银天下 supported Minesto to identify the relevant stakeholders and approach the potential partners with shorter time span

Value impact

Minesto displayed its advanced tidal energy solutions in the region to drive the industry progress and broaden its company awareness


Minesto于2007年在银天下哥德堡成立. 最初开始作为涡轮研究在萨博的R&D department, Minesto has developed the technology and become one of the leading tidal energy providers in the world. 在政府机构和私募股权合作伙伴的支持下, Minesto steadily expanded and achieved another milestone in 2015 – IPO on the Nasdaq First North stock exchange. Currently, Minesto拥有商业规模的系统,并向电网发电, 它已经准备好朝着它的愿景——改变未来的力量——成长.